Rosy Beauty
Rose is a sign of beauty and love. The use of rose in beauty
treatment is perhaps the oldest method in the world. In beauty treatment rose
is generally used as rose water. Many many years ago African dermatologists
used rose water as skin freshener. Practically
rose water is an excellent beauty product. It is an important skin tonic. Rose
water contains antioxidants and many vitamins.
Some recommended applications of rose
water for both enhancement and also maintaining your beauty.
Mix glycerin with rose
water. Use this mixture as your natural moisturizer.
Take a cotton ball and
soak it in rose water and apply it to your face. This cleans your face
Use rose water with a cotton
pad and apply it on your eyes. This will reduce puffiness under your eyes.
Mix equal quantity of
tomato juice and rose water and then apply it on your face. This helps to
reduce sunburn.
You can use rose water
as an effective natural makeup remover.
Use rose water to your
face. It instantly makes your skin fresh and glow.
Rose water can
effectively be used for all types of skins.